
Currently, betting is only supported through the AOS command line. The web application will be launched soon. The minimum bet amount is 0.001 ALT, and bets must be placed on a 3-digit number between 000-999. There is no limit on the number of bets you can place. Betting is extremely simple. To participate in the latest round, simply transfer $ALT to the AOLOTTO*ALT process at 2vheopvdwEfont-jQC_G9--6bV2hGn-IzlHxsq4CLWY.

Quick Pick

	In AOS, set the Aolotto Pool and the altoken process IDs to global variables POOL and ALT 
	respectively for subsequent calls.
POOL = "2vheopvdwEfont-jQC_G9--6bV2hGn-IzlHxsq4CLWY" 
ALT = "sdqQuIU6WNT1zVNculn814nVhol2XXhDxqgCrUpCtlA" 

	Make a token transfer in AOS, and fill in the Recipient with the global variable POOL;
	Please set the Quantity to the amount you wish to bet, ALT has a precision of 3 decimal places, 1 means the actual bet amount is 0.001 ALT;
	If you want to bet 1 ALT, please set the Quantity to '1000';
	Target = ALT, 
	Action = "Transfer", 
	Recipient = POOL, 
	Quantity = "1" 

Make a $ALT transfer to POOL, If the account balance is sufficient, you will successfully participate in the latest betting round. The system will automatically pick numbers for you at random. After the bet is successful, you will receive a message with the Action Lotto-Notice. Input Inbox[#Inbox].Data to print the data of the Lotto-Notice, which contains the number information picked by the random algorithm. If the $ALT balance of your process or wallet is insufficient, you will receive a Transfer-Error message and the bet will fail.

Manual Pick

	Target = ALT, 
	Action = "Transfer", 
	Recipient = POOL, 
	Quantity = "2",
	["X-Numbers"] = "007" -- Any 3-digit number between 000-999
-- The result:007*2

If you wish to choose custom numbers when placing bets, Just add an X-Numbers tag when sending a transfer. The numbers must follow the 3-digit standard. Illegal numbers will be automatically filtered out and random numbers generated by the algorithm will be used instead.

Pick Multiple

	Target = ALT, 
	Action = "Transfer", 
	Recipient = POOL, 
	Quantity = "3",
	["X-Numbers"] = "000,001,005" -- Numbers should be separated by commas (,)
-- The result:000*1,001*1, 005*1

You can input multiple numbers at once for batch betting. The bet's quantity must be greater than or equal to the quantity of numbers you picked. If you enter more numbers than bets, the excess numbers will be automatically discarded. If there are more bets than entered numbers, the system will repeat the numbers to fill all bets. Ensure that the total bet's quantity matches the transferred quantity.

Pick Sequence

	Target = ALT, 
	Action = "Transfer", 
	Recipient = POOL, 
	Quantity = "10",
	["X-Numbers"] = "000-009" -- Use '-' to represent a range of values;
-- The result:000*1,001*1, 002*1, 003*1, 004*1, 005*1, 006*1, 007*1, 008*1, 009*1   

Generate a batch of bets with sequential values. If the range of values exceeds the Quantity, the excess values will be automatically discarded. For example, if Quantity=2 and the range of values are '000-010', the final bet results generated are 000*1, 001*1.

Add a donee

	Target = ALT, 
	Action = "Transfer", 
	Recipient = POOL, 
	Quantity = "3",
	["X-Numbers"] = "000,001,002",
	["X-Donee"] = "j0Lrrv1ltimsYnD_5f-8Fp3QKcAbUjckn7kjCZCfvhk" -- Add X-Donee tag and fill the address;
-- If the above bet wins, the prize will be distributed to the beneficiary, but the bet amount will be added to the buyer's information.

Generally, the purchase address is the beneficiary, and the winnings are distributed to the purchase address by default. However, you can add another address as a beneficiary using the X-Donee tag. You can set the address of your friends or family as a lottery gift.

Check your bets

Send({Target=POOL, Action="Bets"})

Send the message above to view the betting results of the current round. Click here to learn about more query commands.

Last updated